Specialty Contractors

Our specialty contractor clients provide niche services to customers across the globe. Whether they’re renovating stained glass windows at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City or building a fire suppression system in a Singapore data center, they need constant and reliable IT support to backstop their operations. We get to know their industry-specific software platforms, so we can provide maximum value in real time whenever they need us.
We understand the unique requirements of each of our businesses and the specific needs of their software and tools. Simple IT Solutions has the knowledge and skills to help your company use these platforms effectively, helping to improve your productivity and deliver better results for customers.
In addition to our expertise with specialized software, we also provide a range of IT services that can help our specialty contractor clients succeed. We can provide support for their office IT, including hardware and software, network and security, and remote access. We can also help them optimize their processes and systems, from data management and backups to cloud integration and automation.
Our specialty contractor clients provide niche services to customers across the globe and they need constant and reliable IT support to backstop their operations. With our expertise and experience, we can provide the tools and support you need to succeed, no matter where you are or what challenges you face.